How the Toxic Culture of Consuming Whale and Dolphin Meat Impacts People

Captain Paul Watson, Sea Shepherd

We have been warning about mercury in whale and dolphin meat (… ) for decades, yet the people who eat whales and dolphins continue to ignore the consequences.

There is no necessity to kill and eat pilot whales and dolphins (… ) in the Faroes, Norway, Japan or Iceland. Much of the meat from whales killed in Greenland is not eaten by indigenous people, and our investigations have exposed the fact that whale meat (… ) from endangered whales killed in Greenland is served to tourists in hotels, restaurants and cruise ships …

One Green Planet – April 1, 2015

How the Toxic Culture of Consuming Whale and Dolphin Meat Impacts People


Food makers encourage dairy farms to end dehorning cattle

DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) — Food manufacturers and restaurants are taking the dairy industry by the horns on an animal welfare issue that’s bothered activists but is little known to consumers: the painful removal of budding horn tissue from calves so farmworkers or other animals don’t get gored later …

Paris Post Intelligencer – Posted: Wednesday, April 1, 2015 11:07 am | Updated: 12:55 pm, Wed Apr 1, 2015…


Published by „the fellbeißer“© (April 01, 2015)

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